Managing Consultant

Jan Peter Tanja

Business economist and binding force with lots of experience who helps keep the focus on customers and finance

Managing Consultant

Jan Peter Tanja

Business economist and binding force with lots of experience who helps keep the focus on customers and finance

Business economist and binding force with lots of experience …

Jan Peter studied Business Economics in Utrecht and, twenty years later, even completed a Master’s degree in Management and Organization. In addition, he worked as a program manager, director and corporate executive. Thanks in part to that experience, he’s just as good at communicating with the Executive Board as with people on the shop floor. He has an ‘anti-silo’ mentality, as he puts it.

Jan Peter has lost his heart to the Japanese martial art of ninjutsu, and even more to continuous self-improvement. Which is why he’s currently also been doing Olympic weightlifting.

… who helps keep the focus on customers and finance

Making an impact every day, preferably with social relevance: that’s Jan Peters’ goal. He achieves that by helping organizations improve their processes – on paper and in actual implementation. He targets behavior and culture to get there: ‘Organizations often focus on finance, while their employees mainly think in terms of customers. I’m happy to make a connection there.’

Want to know what a P5COM consultant can do for you?

From improved cash flow to higher customer satisfaction and team performance – whether you work for a local authority, in healthcare, education, or the building trade – there is almost always a P5COM consultant who can help you. You can see it in our business cases and by what our clients say. Or just ask, and we’ll be happy to enlighten you.

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