Managing Consultant

Mark Nahon

Economist with a broad range of experience who helps make change successful

Managing Consultant

Mark Nahon

Economist with a broad range of experience who helps make change successful

Economist with a broad range of experience…

Mark studied Economics in Rotterdam and got into purchasing by chance. For a while he was responsible for everything in Shell’s gas stations with the company logo but ultimately found that too operational. He’s more interested in process optimization. He quickly developed from a consultant into a senior program manager. Mark is strong in stakeholder management and feels comfortable at all levels: from the shop floor to the boardroom.

Mark likes bicycle racing as well as challenges. Such as pedaling away 1300 kilometers in eight days, from the Stelvio Pass to Cauberg hill in the Netherlands.

… who helps make change successful

Mark has seen dozens of companies from the inside, but he’s still surprised by how some things run. ‘Solutions are really obvious sometimes. And it’s not like an external advisor can see things that others can’t. The difference is how you see things. And especially: what you do about them.’ Mark helps organizations by joining in the management process and by coaching managers, so that change leads to lasting success.

Want to know what a P5COM consultant can do for you?

From improved cash flow to higher customer satisfaction and team performance – whether you work for a local authority, in healthcare, education, or the building trade – there is almost always a P5COM consultant who can help you. You can see it in our business cases and by what our clients say. Or just ask, and we’ll be happy to enlighten you.

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